Grace Bible Camp is

June 8-13, 2025

Camp will be held at the Trails End Camp located at:
N5405 Trails End Rd
Bruce, WI 54819

Camp Theme: coming Soon!

Campers should be picked up by 10 AM

CAMP STANDARDS to be read and followed by Parents, Campers [and Staff]:


If you have any questions regarding these standards, please feel free to contact Camp Director.

1) Do NOT send Camp Registrations to Trails End Camp address. Camp Registrar’s address is Grace Bible Camp Registrar, W9659 Ducommun Rd. Ladysmith, WI 54848 and on Camp Website Camp information page.

(2) Camper registrations WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED at camp. Exceptions are to be cleared with Camp Coordinator.

(3) Camper “check-in” time BEGINS at 3 p.m. on Sunday. Those bringing campers, see Camper Registration Procedures on Camp Website.

(4) All monies brought to camp must be deposited in the Camp Canteen Fund for safekeeping.

(5) All medications are to be given to the Camp Nurse and will be dispensed by medical personnel during camp week. Prescription medications MUST be in the original containers with instructions clearly marked.

(6) The following items are NOT to be brought to camp: radios, CD or DVD players, electronic games, improper magazines or books, or any other item(s) that may detract from the atmosphere of a Bible Camp. Under the discretion of the Camp Coordinator; after an internal investigation, the Police Department will be called if anyone on camp premises is found in possession of, or using any illegal substances; including marijuana.

(7) CLOTHING for ALL age groups should be modest and appropriate for activity camper [or staff member] is involved in. SHORTS must have a minimum 5” inseam. Spandex style shorts, spaghetti strap tops, sleeveless t-shirts or blouse tops, “skinny style jeans”, “yoga pants” or “leggings” are NOT acceptable clothing for camp and must be covered up if worn or individuals will be asked to change. All clothing (except jackets and sweatshirts) worn by all campers (and staff), males and females must have short or long sleeves and cover past the waistline. SWIM-WARE should be appropriate for Bible Camp; NO bikinis, “French cut” suits or shorty shorts. EVERYONE bring a t-shirt to cover up over swim suit if unsure re: swim attire standards. Males will be required to wear a t-shirt when participating in sports activities (including Volleyball) and at all other times at camp; except bathing and swimming. FOOTWARE: Tennis Shoes or other foot ware protecting toes should be worn at all times; NO bare feet, except during volleyball and on swimming beach. Tennis shoes and sandals must be worn to and from these activities. Flip-flops are suggested going to, during and returning from showers . REMOVE hats when inside Mail Hall and Dining Lodge. Any clothing found to be improper by the Camp Staff and/or Camp Director will be cause to have camper change clothing to meet with Camp Standards.

(8) We have a Boy / Girl “no contact policy” regarding touching, holding hands, kissing or wrapping up together in blanket at campfires.

(9) Destruction of property, theft, fighting, injurious behavior, cursing, or any other behavior unbecoming a person attending a Bible Camp WILL NOT be tolerated by anyone on camp premises.

(10) Violations of these Camp Standards (or any other behavior deemed inappropriate by the Camp Director) may result in loss of privileges at camp, liability for repair or replacement of damaged item(s), and/or expulsion from camp. PARENTS (or guardians) will be responsible for picking up any camper expelled from camp.

(11) PARENTS (or guardians), are responsible for providing phone number(s) on registration form where you may be reached if it should become necessary to pick up camper in the event of serious illness, injury or disciplinary action.

(12) Campers MUST BE PICKED UP BY 10 a.m. ON FRIDAY MORNING however, campers are to remain until camp has been cleaned, inspected and condition of camp facilities are satisfactory to Camp Director. Exceptions are to be cleared with Camp Director prior to camp.

Contact Us

400 Bruce Lake Rd Bruce, WI 54819
[email protected]
(715) 415-2625